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giggling kicking my feet up the air the guide was my biggest crush in pitstop in purgatory and i have been waiting for him for so long I'M SO HAPPY THIS DROPPED THIS IS HOLY GRAIL THANK U (i didn't see sooner bcs of goofy ahh college)

ANYWAY im still on ending A and will explor other endings i just wanted to express how much i simp for the guide here in the comments especially when he said good girl WHA- IM SHOCKED I THREW MY HANDS ON MY FACE AND BLUSHED THAT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD. i can't stop smiling blushing and giggling thank you for this wonderful gift you have given to us and kudos to the team for beautiful storyline and fine af love interests i look up to u tymedust games yall literally inspire me thank you for existing keep making


Ahhhh LOL this is such a great comment ;___; so cool to hear that you like Guide and our games so much! It’s an honor to inspire you!! You are AWESOME and enjoy the rest of Guidelicious when you have time to finish it! :) <3 Thank you for playing, supporting and commenting!! <3 <3 <3


Well, I thought I'd love it, and I was right :P I love everything about it, haha.

 The story was intriguing and kept me hanging on every word until the very end, the art is gorgeous (I always get excited to see animated sprites x3), and voice acting is always sure to put a massive smile on my face (as do all sorts of darker characters, hehe.) Oh, and gotta love what you went for with the 1 SFX xD When that came in, I was just sat there nodding my head thinking, yep, if you're restricted to one sound, that's the sorta thing you wanna use to really make an impact :D

I feel like I don't really have the words to properly explain how much I enjoyed it! Also, really loving your animated logo btw! It's absolutely fabulous ^-^


Awwww!!! You’re so sweet ;___; I’m very glad to hear that you liked it and aghhhh I appreciate it so much! Yesss ah using the one SFX creatively is always an interesting challenge LOL, I’m happy that you found it to be impactful!! It worked as intended then *phew* XD

Thank you so much for playing the game (especially considering the vastness of your backlog) and for leaving this absolutely lovely comment! <3 <3 <3


Well, so are you :P Besides, you deserve maximum appreciation for your awesomeness ^-^ I was gonna make an awful pun about the SFX, but I deleted it cos I thought maybe it could potentially be considered a spoiler, haha. Probably not, more likely it would only have made sense to people who have already played it, but still, better to be safe x3

But yeah, definitely had me sat up straight in my seat, haha. It’s like I almost knew it was coming but not quite, and then when it actually went there, I was like, daaaaamn, we did actually just go there xD I believe I had to take a brief moment before continuing! It was one of those beautiful moments in gaming where less was absolutely more because what I saw in my mind was kind of horrific, haha. And it created this wonderful layer of seriousness that slapped me round the face. Cos prior to that moment, I was coasting along, merrily enjoying being messed with, taking it pretty casually, and then that happened and I was like... woah o.o I do love it when things surprise me like that :D 

Anyways, thank you for making it! Now I just have to hope that my brain will allow me to play the rest of your stuff at some point! :3 Probably gonna have a proper break in October to play Spooktober games, but if I finish all of those, gonna dive right into the rest of my backlog, haha.


Hello. Are you planning on editing this to include more gender diverse dialogue? I'm a trans man and I don't feel comfortable being called "miss" or a girl. It's fine if not, as I of course can ignore the game and continue on with my life. This game was very well made, congratulations to the team!


Hi! First off, thank you for the kind words about the game, it makes me and the team very happy to hear! :) <3

Your question is a great and valid one! :) The reason why The Guide calls you that is that he doesn’t care about how the player character views themself, which is part of his not-very-pleasant personality (this is also why he asks you your name and then proceeds to ignore it), so it’s all kind of a way of getting his personality across. In the various choices you as a player can make when he addresses you, you can choose answers like “But-“ to attempt to combat that, although it is ultimately fruitless (by design).

I definitely could have included options for the player to answer The Guide in a more clear manner about the subject matter of gender identity and it’s something I’ll look into adding for an upcoming update, so thanks for bringing it up! I really appreciate that. :)

But in terms of what The Guide himself says, that won’t change unfortunately.

Thank you for reaching out and for giving the game a chance at any rate (especially considering that you felt uncomfortable to a degree for which I apologize), and for sharing your viewpoint. <3 Have an awesome day. :)


welp even though im a trans guy i will accept my new name as being miss pumkin the guide has chose and i love him he is now the love of my life

LMAO this just made me laugh out loud irl XD thank you so much for making me smile so wide!! I’m very happy you enjoyed the game and The Guide that much! Thank you for playing and for leaving such a wonderful comment :) <3


I really like this game. I think that the voice actor for the guide did a good job at making the guide so super smug. The point and click aspect of the game made it feel more immersive to me. Great job.

Thank you so much! Very happy to hear that you liked it, and thank you also for playing it and putting your gameplay on YouTube. Very appreciated!! :) <3


I haven't finished playing the game yet but oh my god, I'm in love with the Guide. This is my first time playing any of your games BUT OH MY!!! I can just tell it has lots of lore to uncover. It's amazing, I love it. 10/10! I was a little bit sad to find out that Pitstop in Purgatory is $4.99. There's no issue with the price, it's just that I don't usually spend money on However, Pitstop in Purgatory might be one of the first and only games that I'll buy. I just wanna uncover all the lore!! As you can tell, I love lore. Anywho, this game is amazing and I'll now support whatever game you continue to make in the PurgatoryVerse!! <3333

(2 edits) (+1)

AHHH OMG this is such a sweet message ;___; thank you so, so much!! I'm very happy that you're enjoying it enough to dig even deeper like that (and it's always nice to meet other lovers of LORE and as you're correctly guessing that's definitely a big part of The Purgatoryverse! :D).

I hope you'll keep having fun with the games and if you ever want a place to discuss them and their lore with other people who are really into it, you're very welcome to join our Discord too! <3

Thank you again for playing and for leaving this absolutely lovely comment, it makes me and the team very happy! ;_; <3 :D


amazing as usual!! now im gonna need someone smarter than me to tell me what it all means....


Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) <3

(and don't worry, a lot of people in the Discord are also having troubles figuring it all out so you're definitely not alone LMAO) <3 <3 <3


This was so much fun!!!
wowowow I love the guide (hate him as a person, love him as a character... y'know?) I have yet to kick off my journey through the purgatoryverse but now that I have more time on my hands I simply cannot WAIT!  
The GUI for this is INCREDIBLE every aspect of it I absolutely adore omg!
The art is stunning as well, I love the extra effort that was put into animating his mouth as he speaks, that was really immersive!
The writing is so good, I can't believe the entire thing is under 1k!? I really loved that you decided to make it so players went back to the home screen and then had a chance to progress in the story, somehow it felt more immersive despite taking you out of the game (if that even makes sense!?) I loved it! and I really appreciate that you added in a way to check which endings you have so far that is a brilliant qol feature :) (I have all but D so far!)
Props to the VA too for really bringing it all to life!! They did a great job ^^

Arghhhhh you're so SWEET ;_; thank youuu for all of these nice words, it truly means a lot!!!!!

So happy you enjoyed it!! :D

Thank you for playing and for leaving such a sweet comment <3 <3 <3


O.o didnt expect it to end that way, huh.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, uh... oops? :D <3

(Thanks for playing!)


Wow! What a narrative experience this was! The music and the UI really helped me get into the vibe before the narrative segment even began. After that, the VA really helped me understand the character (I was like...this man 0_0) I really loved how the endings layered (I'll avoid spoilers) - but it was such a great way to build the narrative and I loved the different outcomes.

Great experience - I'm never buying a plane statue for my house ;)


Aww!!!!!!!! Thank you so much <3 ;_; That's so kind of you and I'm very happy that you enjoyed it!! 

(and ACK that sounds like a good idea, avoid those statues LMAO)

Thanks for playing and for this lovely comment :) <3


Me, a n00b, thought the ratings would show to everybody...
So here I am again!

Man, the guide gave some sick burns x°°
This entry in the jam is so good! The graphics are amazing, the story is intriguing and I think the voice acting is really good too! I'm intrigued in the universe of your games after having a taste of it via Guidelicious! Keep up the good work!


Ahhhh!!!! Thank you so much ;_; I'm very happy that you enjoyed it!! And if you check out more games from The Purgatoryverse I hope you'll like them too heheh~!

Thank you for playing and for this sweet comment! ;_; <3


ok I played last night and I am ready to write B)

First of all, THE GUIDE IS A MEANIE. But I kinda love him for it. I love how you used repetition to build the narrative! It didn't feel like >1k words and it ended in a very satisfying way! As always, the GUI and overall aesthetic was top tier! The voice acting was also great~

really enjoyed this little snippet into the purgatoryverse <3


Aww, thank you so much!! :) I appreciate your kind words and am super happy that you enjoyed it!! Thank you for playing and for leaving such a sweet comment <3 <3 <3 ;_;


This was just FANTASTIC!! Everything about it is dripping in this sort of nostalgic elegance, from the ornate GUI, to the slowly lilting music, to the empty isolation of the room we find ourselves waking up in. It gives the entire thing so much style. And I'm in love with the little extra bits you added, like the drop-down menu and the gorgeous title screen alkdsjfalskdf

The looping effect was so unique and fascinating??? Love how it's like... every time we press that button again, we awaken back in this world of hazy confusion with that same face just staring, staring, STARING at us LMAO And the little point and click moments were a lot of fun (I do enjoy a good point and click ahhhHHH). I especially loved how when it takes you back to the title screen it changes to "Continue." And then the fun use of variables to remember things/your name from previous rounds, I don't know, somehow it just made everything feel that much more immersive and surreal and mind-boggling LDKAFJSD

And of course The Guide himself. So wonderfully smug as he guides us through this journey. A LITTLE TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT????? LMAO HIS EYES LOOKING STRAIGHT AT ME WAS SO UNNERVING????

Just a really wonderful little experience and so polished and enjoyable. A fantastic job!! And now I also still have that music just playing over and over in my head as I look around my own room LDKFAJSDF 🤣💕


ARGHHHHH you are spoiling me with this lovely and in-depth comment, I am truly moved!! And coming from you as well, it truly means a lot!!

I'm very happy that you played it and enjoyed it that much! Thank you for this sweet, sweeeeeeeeet comment ;___;



I am still freaked out by the Guide, more so here. 





Also, sorry but The Guide saying your best friend just gave me a lot of Undertale vibes, like was that an Undertale reference???


(Also, on a personal note, when you posted the background on twitter I was immediately drawn to the roses, so I feel called out when the Guide said it was a cliché so because I just really loved roses a lot. When he said to click on the object I feel most drawn to I kept clicking on the rose hoping to elicit another response from it hahaha)


HELLOOO lol :D <3

I'm happy you liked it, and AH yeah I do have a tendency to keep throwing more questions at the player SORRY ABOUT THAT (not really entirely sorry mweh hehehehe...)

Although some of the things you're talking about are stuff that you'll find out more about once you start playing Poetry!! :D

OHHH well don't let Guide ruin your enjoyment of roses (they are indeed fabulous) XD lmao that's so cute that you tried clicking on them more, maybe I should have added some kind of bonus interaction (if only I had more words at my disposal...)

ANYHOO thank you so much for playing, enjoying, supporting and leaving such a sweet comment <3 <3 <3


The guide is so awful lol, I can't stand him (meant as a compliment). His voice actor does a great job selling the whole 'smug asshole' vibe. Perhaps the voice acting's a little too good, actually, since throughout the game I wished there was an option to punch him in the face.......

The UI is gorgeous, and I love the art style. The use of point and click added some extra interactivity, and you used your single sound effect at an effective moment which really enhanced the atmosphere.

Also, as much as I dislike the guide as a character, I do like his pointy teef during his talking animation. The teef are seriously very cute.

It was a little jarring from a player POV that you're given all of these choices, but they're all variants of "what?", "huh?", "what's going on?" until the very ending: it makes the main character feel very powerless. That's probably the point, though. I also think that gives the final choice a bit more weight, since that has an actual impact.

This feels very robust for an o2a2 entry; it's very impressive and polished all around! You and your team did a great job!


Thank you so much for these lovely compliments on the game, I'm so happy that you enjoyed it that much!! ;_; And sorry for creating a character that (by design) made you feel that way LOL </3

And yeah, you're right about that being the reasoning behind the choices (very astute!!). Hehe <3

Thank you again for playing the game and leaving such a lovely comment, it makes me and the team so happy ;_; <3


bro I hate the guide..... but it's like, a loving kind of hate... takes a lot to make a character who makes me angry but I still want see more of haha
good job on this! you guys created something that really pushed the limits of O2A2


LMAO so sorry ;____; but also OH I'm happy that the ambivalent feelings he's supposed to create came through in a way LOL

Oh that's so sweet of you!! The team worked hard and we're very happy with the game!! Thank you so much for playing it and for leaving such a lovely comment ;_; <3


The Guide being that close was almost freaking me out but the way he was positioned was done so well. The voice acting and the art are so stellar once more! Great game :D


Thank you so much! :D <3 Happy that you played it and enjoyed it, and well done surviving his closeness LOL <3 also thanks for this lovely comment ;_;


Amazing as always, but WHO ARE WE?! I have so many questions! Also, the whole thing with different,  progressive endings each giving snippets of the full story is really cool! 


Thank you so much!! :) Happy you enjoyed it, and yeessss I mean would it even be a Purgatoryverse game if it didn't give more questions than answers?! lmao :D <3


Another excellent slice of Purgatory, as usual leaving us with more questions than answers which draws us once again deeper into the mystery and lore of the greater story unfolding. Can't wait to see where it goes next!


Thank you so much Jen!! <3 For playing, enjoying, supporting and leaving such sweet words ;_; I really appreciate it!! :) <3


i am truly the target audience of this game there's just no way, great job as always


YOU TRULY ARE!!! And very happy that you enjoyed it <3 ;_;

(1 edit) (+4)

This is amazing in a way I haven't experienced in a long while.

First, the art. I love love love LOVE the artstyle, I was always a sucker for this painting style. I reminded me alot of Fear and Hunger's artstyle. Also, The Guide is WAY TOO CLOSE so the camera, I could almost feel his onion smelling breath (in a good way!!). The way he is a rather dark object in a rather light background makes my eyes gravitate toward him, which is so weird and uncomfortable because, again, HE'S TOO CLOSE BACK OFF (in a good way!!)! Props to the artist!!

Then, the story. The use of restarting the game was interesting, it's always interesting to see how these kinds of stuff can be utilized. Also, this game DID NOT felt like it was 1k words long. You must have removed the choices from the counting, because there's NO way you managed to make such an interesting story in 1k words only, it genuiely felt more like 3k, Props to the writer (which seems to be you, so props to you :) )








The whole "killed 2 people lol" was a bit expected, sure, but I was more curious regarding the situationship we found ourselves into. Where AM I? Who is The Guide?? Why does he call me "Miss Pumpkin"??? Atleast in my case, these questions haven't got an answer. Perhaps I missed something (Haven't got Ending D, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the name input or the last choice. I'll try to get it again after writing this review, and perhaps my questions will get an anwser.), or maybe these questions were/will be anwsered in another game, or maybe they had to be left ambiguous due to the word limit. Even so, the ending felt satisfying enough, even without all the answers :)

EDIT: Totally ignored the featured games. Pretty sure this game takes place in a similar place as the rest of the Purgatoryverse series, and perhaps The Guide is a character from the series too, so I guess the questions have answers after all :D)

In the end, this was an amazing short game, props to everyone who worked on it, everything was amazing!! Definetly my new favourite entry to this game jam, and hopefully way more people check it out!!!


artist here crying cause i love f&h so much (though i wasnt directly inspired by it actually) and also that all the stuff i plotted with drawing it got noticed (the contrast with the bg and being way too close) and also i got hashtag hired through my f&h fanart LOL thank you for enjoying the game!!


AWWWW thank you so much for all these lovely words!! I'm getting all teary-eyed! <3 ;_; It really means a lot!!

I'm especially humbled by the thing you wrote about 1k words LOL as I was really trying to fit as much story as possible into that tight frame (and actually the choices did count, ended up at 999 words in total LMAO)

Thank you again for playing and for leaving such a sweet comment!! <3 <3 <3


I played the game and can I repeat how much I. HATE. THIS. GUY. Aaaaah, he's getting on my last nerve!!!!!!

Phew. It felt good.

So I really loved the game! Uncovering the mystery behind what happened, and finding out the truth about our protagonist was interesting! The point-and-click was fun and the flavour choices (but for the last endings) were a great touch! Also, the fainting mechanic was a really fun way to add replayability! The art was amazing, the GUI beautiful, the programming very smooth, the music splendid and the voice acting great! Congrats on the entry, Tyme!


ACKKK thank you so much I'm very happy you liked it that much and LMAO your hatred of Mr. G is something to behold LOOOL as I said you'll be taking over Purgatory in no time...! Thank you again for the sweet words and this lovely comment <3 <3 <3 


Holy shit. This was one of the most uncomfortable VN experiences I've ever endured and I mean it as a total compliment. I'm still floored and I'm not quite sure what to say about it. I need to have my soul cleansed or something. Wonderrific experience, I'll be recommending it to everyone who asks and everyone who doesn't ask as well.



I'm happy that you enjoyed it and I very much appreciate the spreading of the word!! Thank you for all the support ;___;

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