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This is just such a LOVELY game as usual. The amount of polish is absolutely insane and the 'mini-game' and atmosphere are super on point. I love the fact that every single one of your games makes me want to crack it open and just STARE at the code to try and figure out how the heck you pulled it off. Loved the VA as well, it's just... ngh, the Purgatoryverse vibes are perfect as usual. It's so artsy and distinct. Spectacular work! ❤️❤️❤️

Awwww you're making me blush!! <3 Thank you so much, that really means the world! I'm very glad you enjoyed it and it's cool to hear that you find the inner workings interesting LOL, I'm very lucky to have Skolaztika in my corner who's able to turn my weird visions into coded reality lmao


I love everything about it x3 I have a feeling this might end up not only being my favourite O2A2 game but quite possibly my favourite game of 2024!

I just don't even have the words for how beautiful this is, haha. The overall atmosphere is sublime, the VA performance is intoxicating, and the story left me spellbound :P

I'm not normally one for minigame-style mechanics, but here they are so damn good and extremely clever!

Any self-respecting psychological horror fan needs to play this. I would go as far as to say it's a masterclass in atmospheric tension building :D

I don't know how you do it, but it's another incredible snippet that oozes atmosphere and really draws you further into the world <3

(Also, it runs smoothly on the potato laptop, which is a miracle given the little animations. Other games featuring blinking/lipflap etc. that I've tried to play on the potato in the past have lagged like crazy!) 


That's high praise coming from you MM!! Thank you so, *so* much... I'm happy the potato managed to run it (LOL) and that you enjoyed it so much! ;_; <3


just sitting here gaping at my screen. WOW. THIS!! GAME!! IS!! INSANE!!! HOW DID U GUYS EVEN MAKE THIS. I'm so in awe, everything about this game is off the charts incredible. This game almost made me cry cuz of the art, writing, music and voice acting. The VA was literally gutting me and all the effects and the creativity put into this game had me feeling so captured in the narrative.  No seriously, how did you make this tell me ur secrets sjkasjsakj


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So happy you liked it that much!! ;_; Thank you!! I'm very glad it left a strong impression and that you enjoyed it <3 <3 <3 that means so much!


Wow, I have to say I was impressed by this game!

First of all, it was very gorgeous-looking: the art and the GUI were both amazing. The music too was very fitting and appropriate for the ambience!

I also have to say, the story was EXCELLENT. The haikus leading the game were an excellent idea, and the progressive build-up to the final revelation and the final twists was really great. While the relationship between Sheol and the "protagonist" is easily understood, the final outcome was clearly unexpected, but made a lot of sense in terms of how the game is built, and it really was a dramatic, heartbreaking moment.

Great job to all the team! I'm impressed it was an O2A2 entry, it felt so rich! Congrats!!


Ahhhh Chim that's so sweet of you, thank you!! I'm very happy you enjoyed the game so much!! It ended up being a lot more work than intended but it definitely feels worth it in the end LOL :) <3


This game is absolutely wonderful! I really like the voice acting!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you liked it! :) <3


Beautiful arts!

Thank you so much!! :) <3


Do I even have the words...? I miss you.


Thank you so much for playing! :) <3 I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+3)

I don't remember ever playing something that had such an impact in such a short time to me. The atmosphere is great from the very beginning and the build up was slowly but surely giving me the chills. The voice acting was brilliant and emotional, really helped to deliver the story. What an incredible little game! Cheers to the whole team, looking forward to your next projects!
Edit because I forgot to mention how I loved the poetry mechanic, it was very creative and well applied!

WOW that's really high praise!! ;_; Thank you so much, that means so much to hear! :) <3 I'm really happy you enjoyed the game!!


To say that this is impressive is an understatement.
I don't know what else to add, I love the mechanic of the poetry and the progression, the art is unique and the voice acting was very good! Chapeau, Tymedust!

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Aww thank you so much Banya!! That really means a lot <3 You did such great work on your game too and I just realized I forgot to rate it, so I'll do that right now!! :D <3 Thank you again ;_; <3

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