Opening Up About the Secret Dinosaur Ending

Hi everyone!

Since A Day in the Life released, I've been approached by several players, as well as a few publications, about that ending. If you haven't found it yet, allow me to show it to you:

In the very secret ending of the game, only attainable by ridiculously obscure means, Isola is actually sent way back in time to chill with, and potentially date, the dinosaurs. As you can see, she's not very thrilled about it.

One particular high profile publication, which shall remain nameless as of now, questioned me about this directly via Zoom.

The interviewer asked: "Why in the name of all that is otome/bl/yaoi/insert-other-popular-VN-subgenre-here would  you want to send your CONTEMPORARY SLICE OF LIFE protag back to PREHISTORIC times?"

Well, ultimately, this game is about acceptance and facing who you are. So it only felt natural that Isola would travel back to the cradle of humanity, and in fact even further than that, to truly find an answer.

Shortly after this exchange, I lost contact with the interviewer as the screen suddenly went black. It's strange how power outages apparently can last for several days, because I've yet to hear back from him.

Anywaaaay, let me know if you've found the secret ending! I'm dying to find out how many of you managed to successfully complete the romance subplot starring the t-rex. If you know, you know.



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